
Diversity & Inclusion

Morgan Philips, a group committed to diversity and inclusion

Morgan Philips is an international group present in over 20 countries: wherever the Group operates, across all our recruitment and talent management activities and services, we strive to create an inclusive culture in which diversity is recognised and valued.

Diversity is an essential element of our corporate culture. Our approach promotes inclusive practices in terms of age, gender, origins, disability, religion, sexual preference and marital status. Our candidate sourcing and selection methods are based on non-discriminatory principles. Thus, we integrate qualified and diversified profiles in all the searches entrusted to us.

Gender split of our directors infographics

Gender breakdown of our
leaders (Morgan Philips Group)

Gender split of our directors infographics

Gender breakdown of our
employees (Morgan Philips Group)

Today, we need to learn from our diverse experiences, our different cultural backgrounds and our individual skills and knowledge. We want to and must encourage innovation. What better way to achieve this than by joining a group of people with different ideas to challenge conventions and promote the development of the company?

We also know that evolving in an environment where each individual can be themselves and feel at home is essential. By joining us, you choose a committed and cohesive team where you will be encouraged and supported throughout your career.

Proud of the diversity of our employees, and of our candidates recruited by our clients, we nevertheless know that improvements are always possible - diversity and inclusion are an ongoing process.

Diversity and inclusion are business imperatives, firmly rooted in the culture of Morgan Philips. If you wish to pursue a career in recruitment or occupy a position in one of our other functions, we invite you to send us your application.


Our commitments to combat discrimination

  • Our commitments to diversity and inclusion are at the heart of our values and practices. We are committed to actively eliminating all forms of discrimination in the recruitment process.
  • Our teams of consultants regularly benefit from specialised training, enabling them to identify and counter discrimination and to ensure fair and transparent recruitment. They are trained to respect and promote diversity, taking into account only the skills and professional abilities of candidates.


  • As an active member of several associations dedicated to promoting equality in the workplace, we ensure that we are up to date with best practices and actively contribute to improving equity in recruitment.
  • Choosing Morgan Philips means choosing a recruitment partner that firmly believes in diversity, equity and inclusion as drivers of success in the professional world.

a competence egale logo

A Compétence Égale is an association of recruiting experts committed to promoting diversity and fighting discrimination in hiring. The association counts more than 1,100 professionals and more than 25,000 permanent recruitments are managed each year by our members.

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Charte de la diversite logo

Since its launch in October 2004, the Diversity Charter encourages companies to promote, guarantee and respect diversity in their workforces. By becoming signatories, these companies commit to eliminating all forms of discrimination and implementing a policy in favour of diversity.

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