
Morgan Philips' commitment

Discover our commitment in Corporate Social Responsibility and our substantial actions for a better world

In 2022, Morgan Philips France established its CSR steering committee, composed of members from the management team and ambassadors, to further its CSR policy. Through various CSR initiatives, Morgan Philips Group is committed to building a more united, inclusive, and sustainable society.

Numerous internal initiatives, involving all our employees, are implemented in favor of diversity and the environment: Morgan Philips' corporate social responsibility primarily rests on sensitised and engaged employees!

Our action plans are implemented and measured through certifications such as Ecovadis .

Our CSR policy, in line with our values (agility, humility, commitment, teamwork, ambition, and disruption), revolves around four axes: ecology and energy transition, diversity, associative solidarity, and wellbeing at work.


A group committed to
sustainable development

We reduce our usage of:

  • Plastic, by providing water fountains without bottles, mugs for coffee machines, recyclable steel bottles, and reusable cups made from natural materials.
  • Paper, by limiting prints using personal codes on copiers to avoid unnecessary or excessive printing, and by favoring document dematerialization through digital tools such as Nibelis, Expensya, Elevo, and Docusign.
  • We recycle our waste through our partner CEDRE, who collects and recycles our waste while promoting sustainable employment for people with disabilities.
  • We reuse our office furniture and mobile phones through our partners SCOP3 and Mobilitys.
  • We promote the use of public transportation, carpooling, and eco-friendly transportation for commuting and business trips.
  • We limit non-essential travel by encouraging telecommuting and video conferencing.
  • We renew our fleet with hybrid and electric company cars.
  • We reduce our electricity consumption by switching to LED lighting in all offices and implementing a general lighting cutoff system on the work floors to prevent unnecessary consumption.
  • We partner with eco-responsible suppliers who practice responsible procurement policies.

Together, towards a more inclusive and diversified society


  • Morgan Philips is a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2013. This charter aims to promote equal opportunities and diversity in all aspects.
  • Morgan Philips is also a member and founding partner of the association "A Compétence Egale", which promotes equality and diversity in access to employment and career paths.
  • Morgan Philips consultants regularly receive training to combat all forms of discrimination.
  • We create job positions tailored to employees benefiting from RQTH recognition (Recognition of Quality of Work for Disabled Workers).
  • Morgan Philips participates in the professional integration of disabled workers by collaborating with service providers or ESATs like CEDRE and LES CIGALES.
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Our acts of solidarity :

  • Patronage with the association LA CRAVATE SOLIDAIRE, which involves collecting professional clothing to combat discrimination in hiring based on appearance.
  • Collection of children's clothing, hygiene products, and baby milk to support the association MaMaMa association (created during the Covid lockdowns to help single mothers and other women in difficult situations).
  • Financial support for purchasing a bus for Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes, an association dedicated to detecting female cardiovascular diseases.
  • Support for the LinkedOut project by the Entourage association, facilitating the inclusion of impoverished and marginalized individuals and their return to employment.

Our actions in terms of Quality
of Work Life (QWL)

  • Wellbeing and mental health programs through free My MPG Coach sessions available to Morgan Philips employees, conducted via video call.
  • Office spaces with a cafeteria area and greenery.
  • Availability of organic coffee, tea, and dried fruits for employees through our partner QUARTIER FRAIS.
  • Partnership with FOOD CHERI offering significant advantages for ordering bio-balanced dishes prepared by chefs and delivered to the office free of charge.
  • Weekly strength training sessions offered to Morgan Philips employees at the ATHLETIX gym located near the Parisian office.
  • Installation of a soundproof booth for employees making important or private calls without disturbing or being overheard by other colleagues.

Would you like to discuss your project with us?

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