FASTT (Fonds d’Action Sociale du Travail Temporaire) is a non-profit association created in 1992 by trade unions and an employer organisation to provide you with various advantages.
Renting a flat or a house
FASTT has set up a unique system to support temps and make their rental applications as attractive as possible to potential landlords. With FASTT CONFIANCE BAILLEUR, landlords are offered unrivalled guarantees free of charge:
To benefit from this guarantee free of charge, you must have worked at least 414 hours as a temp during the previous 12 months.
Becoming an owner, carrying out renovations
FASTT, with its partners, can offer financing solutions to enable you to buy a new or old property or land, build a house or carry out major renovations. Your project will be carefully considered by a financial advisor who will offer the most appropriate solution (fixed or variable rate loans for a period up to 30 years, social housing loans at zero interest).
Finding temporary accommodation
If you are working far from home you will need to find temporary accommodation. You can benefit from preferential rates in Première Classe hotels and Odalys et Appart City residences. With ALJT there are more than 270 establishments in France offering accommodation with preferential terms.
Buying a car, initiate a project
FASTT offers two loan schemes for the purchase of a new or second-hand car or other acquisition (a computer, technical equipment, furniture, etc.). Your project will be carefully considered by a financial advisor who will offer the most appropriate solution (a loan from 1,600 to 12,000 Euros with repayment periods from 12 to 60 months).
Private healthcare insurance
INTERIMAIRES SANTE provides private healthcare insurance for temps. It is available starting from the first assignment and offers excellent guarantees to cover your healthcare costs. It is automatic for those who have accumulated 414 hours of work during the previous 12 months. This unique plan, specially created for temps and employment agencies, is the biggest private healthcare scheme in France.
School holidays
Holiday camps, language trips, sport camps, leisure centres, etc. - Can help you to finance your children's holidays by paying a part, subject to available resources and your length of service in temporary work. Assistance is up to 305 Euros per year and per child.
Back to school
An allowance or grant, subject to available resources and length of service in temporary work, may be available when your children go back to school. The amount available varies depending on the level of studies.
If you are between 15 and 25 when you register with a driving school, you can benefit from a loan at zero % interest (and without set-up costs) in order to finance your driving test. To benefit from this assistance, you must complete the request form at (mobility tab) before registering with a state-approved driving school offering 'driving licence for 1 Euro per day' (list on
Emergency child-care
If you have an occasional problem with child-care when you are already on an assignment or about to start one, FASTT can offer solutions (at your home or in a day nursery in some regions). Emergency child-care is quick and without length of sevice conditions.
We can find and organise a child-minding solution adapted to the age of your children and using a qualified professional, in under 48 hours.
The cost is 1 Euro per hour (thanks to FASTT's participation)
may be used up to 80 hours per year
Child care will be by a qualified professional. This service is even available at the last minute
We can find and organise a day nursery for your children under 4 via our network of partners with 450 establishments throughout France.
The cost is calculated according to the family quotient
May be used up to 400 hours per year and per family
The service is available even at the last minute and is complementary to our child minding at home solutions.
Occupational insurance scheme
To provide more information and better understanding of the occupational insurance scheme available to temps, FYTE, working with FASTT, has created 4 information sheets on the following themes:
Advice and support in the case of personal difficulties
If you encounter difficulties in your daily life, FASTT's social assistants are available to help you and guide you with complete discretion.
To learn more about your advantages: call 01 71 25 08 28 or visit
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